Five Tips to Create a Sacred Space for Your Spiritual Practice
Create a sacred sanctuary to experience less stress in your life. Here's how...
Spiritual practice is a way to let go of the stress that accumulates throughout the day so you can be healthier and more productive at work and at home. The Vedic sciences of yoga, Ayurveda, meditation, and Vastu Shastra—which is the science of environmental placement or building—address how to create balance within the body, mind, and environment.
According to the principles of Vastu, everything at its most subtle level is energy and interconnected through the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. By balancing these elements within your home you can create a sacred space that will support you as you try to deepen your spiritual practice.
Vastu Shastra is a directional science. It states that northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest support your spiritual practice in various ways. By symbolically honoring each element in their proper Vastu direction you can turn any location in your personal environment— large or small—into a sacred space.
Before you get started, open a compass app on your cell phone to locate the directions.
Add chimes or incense in the northwest direction to support the air element. The air element helps the mind relax and can make you feel more harmonious. This benefits your relationships and communication with others.
The sound of chimes disrupts the meanderings of the mind, bringing it into the present moment. Incense purifies your environment and creates a sense of tranquillity.
A fountain in the northeast direction of your spiritual practice area will support the water element. When the water element is supported you’ll feel greater flexibility and creativity to solve, instead of resist, life’s many challenges.
Fountains also create negative ions, which bring a sense of calm and relaxation. Their peaceful sound purifies the air and enhances deep meditation.
A Himalayan salt lamp placed in the southeast direction supports the fire element. This will help you feel more energized, productive, and motivated so you can accomplish the tasks at hand throughout your day. Himalayan salt lamps improve indoor air quality and, like fountains, create healthy negative ions. The air is purified which means airborne bacteria, mold, viruses, and allergens as well as respiratory irritants and asthma triggers, cannot survive in the negatively charged environment.
The glow from a salt lamp also creates a tranquil ambience in your sacred space.
In the southwest sector of your spiritual practice area, add a golden pathos, peace lily, money plant, or basil plant to support the earth element. When the earth element is supported you’ll feel an increased sense of stability, strength, and security. This stability will bring you the strength to face the challenges of the day. These plants also purify and absorb radiation within the environment.
THE CENTER Keep the center area of your spiritual practice area open and free from any furniture to support the space element. In the Vedas, it’s said that the space element is connected to our consciousness and being anchored in the present moment. When you support the space element it’s much easier to experience the present moment where true peace resides.
By keeping the area clean, organized, and clear in the center, you’ll find your mind is less active when you meditate or do other spiritual practices.
Creating a sacred space where you can let go and find peace from daily stress and activity is key to living a healthier, happier life. Not only will it help you feel more balanced at work and throughout your day, it will also support you in connecting more deeply to your essential nature.