New, Fresh, and Alive: New Year, Re-imagined Life, Refreshed Home
Here we are, we have finally arrived. 2021 is the year everyone is hoping will bring a much-needed shift. During the New Year, we often set our intentions on change and renewal, but I would like to suggest focusing your intentions not only on yourself but also on the body of your body, your home.
That’s right! 2021 is a year to re-imagine and renew our inner and outer abodes, the epicenters of our life. Let’s expand our understanding of where we reside and recommit to what is within us and the space that surrounds us!
This past year, we all surrendered to the unexpected – countless hours being at home. Knowing this will continue well into 2021, it’s time to see our living space as the sacred place that it is. Let’s start the new year welcoming a seamless flow of positive energy that will not only make our environment feel more peaceful and serene, but also our bodies, minds and spirits.
Our homes should be a place that helps us feel relaxed and inspires us to experience
more grace and ease.
It’s time to say goodbye to clutter and hello to a space that is more organized, harmonious and clean. The more organized the space is in our homes, the more potential there will be for better sleep, improved health and an up-level in productive energy. And, another benefit is it opens up the field of all possibilities for the New Year. Reducing clutter in the home is a simple way to reduce clutter in our minds…minimizing distractions and even anxiety that get in the way of us manifesting the life we desire.
Not only should you de-clutter, but you should also make your home a more sacred place to live.
Creating sacred spaces in your home such as an altar that incorporates earth, fire, water, air and space welcomes in the ability to take our inspiration and manifest a life of fulfillment. Setting your intentions for the New Year at your altar will strengthen your connection to the energy you are seeking to cultivate for positive change.
If you need help creating an altar, please take a look at our award-winning book, Altars of Power and Grace that will provide you with numerous ideas for getting started on your personal altar(s)!
Not only should you focus on your home as a whole, but it is also wise to put some attention on your workspace. Clean out old files in your desk and on your computer. Organize items that sit on your desk or work area and remove anything that isn’t essential. Once done, add a few items to you desk that you love and/or focus your energy on clarity and success – like clear quartz crystals, or a copper Shree Yantra, which will aid in attracting new opportunities and fulfillment for the New Year.
The main thing to remember is that whatever you do, whether it’s working on your altar, organizing your desk or workspace, or de-cluttering your home, you should do it with intention.
Your intention is your choice.
When preparing your home with intentions for the New Year, you want to be clear and precise. For instance, if your intention is to bring more love into your home and life, you will want to be clear about what that feels and looks like to you. Writing in a journal as a spiritual practice is a great way to find the clarity your desire.
Is it important that once you identify your desires, the next step is to release them to the higher powers at work in your life. Create a ritual at your altar to give these feelings and dreams to the divine –also known as the source, god, goddess, All that Is– instead of attempting to make things happen on your own, or force things into fruition. Whatever your intention, once you have clarity about your desire and have released it, know that through trust and faith the unseen forces at work in your life will support you.
What I have found over the years is that wanting never gives us what we truly need. Making 2021 a year to connect more deeply within yourself and trust you have the support you need to expand your life to include fulfillment, love and contentment.
Your intentions can be around other things, too, like feeling more prosperous, deepening your faith, having a better relationships with your children or other family members, or changing what you do in the world for income. Whatever you choose, whatever it may be, you need to become clear what it feels like to have that in your life. It is that feeling that ignites the engine of fulfillment.
If you need assistance in reducing stress in your home, desire clearer communication in your relationships, or need more peace of mind in your home, life, or support in creating more success in your life our Vastu Consultation may be the right fit for you this New Year. Our consultations have helped thousands of people all over the world experience more positive forward motion and fulfillment in their lives.
When preparing your sacred space for the New Year, the overall goal is to infuse your home and/or workspace with intentions that support
fulfillment in all your endeavors.
What is seen as sacred to you, may not be seen as sacred to someone else, and that’s completely fine. This is your place, your space where you live, sleep, and for a lot of us, work! What matters is that your home feels sacred to you. Choose scents you enjoy, fabrics that bring you pleasure, sounds that bring you peace. In the very least, being thoughtful and eliminating the “stuff” in your life that weighs you down is foundational. The rest is ritual and placing your attention gently on your intention.
If you’re not in the mindset or position to spend money right now, don’t worry, you can still make your space feel sacred by working with what you have. It’s our attention that grows our intentions. You can always rearrange, get rid of, and donate what you no longer need. Rule of thumb, if you haven’t used it in 6 months to a year, you most likely don’t need it, and it can probably serve someone else better.
In conclusion, create space for your mind and body by creating space in your home. Make your home a place of inspiration and somewhere you desire to be. Create an altar or a quiet, serene space in your home where you can go to decompress, relax, pray, and meditate.
And remember, your sacred home is just that…it is yours. What is sacred to you, is all that matters, and if you incorporate what you love, what makes you feel happy, those feelings will give you more power to flow more gracefully into fulfilling your personal intentions.
We sincerely wish you a wonderful New Year and we hope that 2021 brings you all the love, happiness, and success your heart desires.
In love and peace,
Robin and Michael