Spring Space Clearing Ceremony

Now is the perfect time to enliven the elements in your home and connect to the forces of nature that surround you!

If you’re beginning to feel different there is a good reason for this! The energy of spring brings a sense of hope and renewal. We are approaching the first sign of a light at the end of a cold, dark tunnel. Because of the pandemic, for many of us, winter (in the northern hemisphere) was even harsher than normal, with restrictions on top of the normal restrictions of winter.

And so…

the excitement of being able to comfortably move around in the fresh air is more enticing and exciting than ever!


Throughout this month, we have been clearing our space by removing both mental and physical blockages that prevent us from moving forward and reaching the level of success and happiness we desire.

We actively cleared out this clutter by chanting, breathing, meditating, praying, and through the enlivening influence of yantras. Those of us who participated can’t help but feel the shift of energy and the infusion of possibilities that now feel more available (please share your experiences with us 😉

If you’ve missed our month of renewal during March’s Mantra Mondays and would like to catch up, you can find them all here on our Facebook Page just by scrolling through.

When you intentionally create room in your life for something new to occur, the universe fills the void with possibility.


When you place your attention on what you “do” want (your intention), instead of focusing on physical and mental distractions, your mind relaxes and aligns to the universal energies that support your success, and…the doors begin to open with greater ease.

Grace and Gratitude – Deepen your dance with the Divine


I will tell you, there is no greater force than love. The frequency of love is so powerful, so refined, that when you connect with the force of love with a pure heart, filled with gratitude, what will begin to appear in your life is the most profound experience of grace, deeper connections to yourself and others, opportunities for forward motion and…your outer reality will begin to change.

That’s when the magic happens…you step into the river in awe of all that you have been given, realizing that you, are so abundant, so full, so filled with gratitude, and humbled by the abundance you already have.

You then come to understand –“those who have more will be given more…”.

In other words, those who express gratitude are given the gifts of flow, grace, connection, and abundance in their many forms.

As you pass through all of your uncertainties and doubt, your vision will begin to clear and you will see what was right in front of you all along.

Living in true abundance and success comes from a full heart filled with gratitude, the key that unlocks the door to grace. Come to your practice, to this blessing ceremony, considering all the goodness and beauty in your life. Nature is eye candy for the senses and Spring is the perfect time to open your heart to the love that surrounds you.



What a perfect time to clear the space as we move into Spring!

Clearing out the old to bring in the new…

There’s a process we use to clear the space of old, stuck energy after we’ve been clearing clutter or do any deep spiritual work that has brought a shift in our awareness. This process is powerful and makes a statement to the unseen forces you will be working with that you are now ready to embrace what is next.

For thousands of years, blessing ceremonies have been performed in temples, homes, and natural environments to honor our intrinsic connection with the powerful influences of the elements, planets, moon, and stars, and the energy that directs our lives on Earth.

These ceremonies give people a way to request balance and support from the Divine in all

their endeavors. People often begin these rites at dawn, freshly bathed and dressed, ready to honor the benevolent forces of nature at work in their lives.

Once your home and office have been de-cluttered using the principles in the March edition of our blogs and our Mantra Monday’s live events, a blessing ceremony can be a wonderful way of giving thanks, of honoring yourself and the balance you have created within your environment, and of requesting the continued support you desire to receive.

It’s time to make your Blessing Tray…

Michael will be going over this ceremony during our next Mantra Monday, so feel free to gather the items needed beforehand in order to participate when you are watching the Live (on Facebook or Instagram) or the replay.

Items for the Blessing Ceremony, you will need:

  • Platter, tray, cutting board, or any small flat surface

  • Written short intention (placed under the bell)

  • Paper money or a check to signify financial abundance (this is optional and can also be placed under your bell)

Additionally, you will need *:

  • An air element: incense

  • A water element: a small container of water

  • An earth element: a small bowl of uncooked rice

  • A fire element: a small battery-operated candle, or small votive (tea light) candle

  • Space: a small bell placed in the center of the tray

* The elements of air, water, earth and fire will be placed around the space element. We will talk about the placement of the elements during the live event.

During this process, our intention is to completely release the mental and physical clutter that we all have let go of over the past few weeks while welcoming the new, prosperous, growth that we all deserve and are ready to receive.

Please join us on Facebook and Instagram Live to participate in this ceremony with us on March 22nd, we’ll also be announcing our wonderful giveaway for our Full Moon Altar Ceremony coming up on March 27th (yay)!!

Remember to mark your calendar for the following:

* Spring (Vernal) Equinox this Saturday, March 20, at 2:37am PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)

* The March Full Moon Activation Ceremony this month will be on Saturday, the 27th at 11am

* Full (Worm) Moon is March 28 at 11:48am PDT

During our upcoming Mantra Monday (March 22nd), we’ll be chanting the Vastu Purusha Mantra, introduced at the beginning of the month, which honors the soul of your home, and the Lakshmi Mantra to enliven prosperity, abundance, and beauty. We’ll also be chanting other mantras including the Ganesh Mantra. The Ganesh Mantra provides you with an added boost of protection and eliminates what stands between you and your forward movement.

Vastu Purusha Mantra

Mantra: Om Vastupurushaya Namaha Phonetic pronunciation: Om Va-stu-poo-ru-shai-ya Na-ma-ha

Lakshmi Mantra

Mantra: Om Shrim Klim Lakshmi Narayana Abhayam Namaha

Phonetic: Om Sh-rim Kl-im Lak-sh-mi Na-rhy-ana Ab-e-ha-yam Na-ma-ha

Our Online Vastu Consultation with Michael along with the Yearly Astrological Reading are both 20% off, as well as the Home Harmonizer Yantra. Use the code “renewal” for all.

– We are continuing this special through the month of March!

Until Monday at 11am (PDT), keep releasing what no longer serves you and feel the gratitude for all that you have received,
