3 Mantras to Enliven Creative Energy

These are transformational times where the powerful creative energy of innovation, individual expression, and service to others are reawakening in our world.

Throughout this time of transformation, there is going to continue to be starts and stops causing some tensions. There’s also a strong desire to create anew, but there is an equal need to stop and take time to allow our intuitive nature to blossom so that what we create comes from the freshness we desire.

We are longing to use our creative power in new ways…ways we may have longed to express for lifetimes, but felt bound by societal constraints and personal circumstances. The key here is to find our balance and not steam ahead only to find ourselves depleted by or disappointed in the outcomes.

This is a time for coherence, to create from a unified sense of right action. This is the lesson of the ages…to find an alignment between the head and heart, our ambition and creativity. This is what fuels our joy and allows for our abundance and creativity to blossom, especially with the full moon coming up on April 26th!

We are longing to use our creative power in new ways…ways we may have longed to express for lifetimes, but felt bound by societal constraints and personal circumstances. The key here is to find our balance and not steam ahead only to find ourselves depleted by or disappointed in the outcomes.

This is a time for coherence, to create from a unified sense of right action. This is the lesson of the ages…to find an alignment between the head and heart, our ambition and creativity. This is what fuels our joy and allows for our abundance and creativity to blossom, especially with the full moon coming up on April 26th!

Collectively, we are awakening from a deep societal dream that was more focused on the external, what-about-me material world. It was impersonal, exhausting, and brought us chaos and uncertainty. Nature literally had to shut us down! Now, we are beginning a new journey and moving into a deeper awareness of how we are interconnected. We are a part of a changing humanity in the throes of a paradigm shift more powerful than any we have seen before in this lifetime.

It is essential to connect deeply within yourself during this time to be in tune with what the world is beckoning for you to share with humanity. We have included a shortlist of mantras that awaken creativity, the Divine Feminine energy arising within us, and the energy of balance.

And remember, every one of us has a feminine side within, some experience it stronger than others. When we connect with our femininity, it isn’t gender-specific. We are connecting with the part of us that is the nurturer, the connector, the lover, and the creative force within the universe that is at the beginning of all creation.

Here are 3 Mantras that can help you connect with that feminine force rising within us all and bringing new energy of creativity onto Mother Earth…

1. The Gayatri Mantra – Verse 2


Gayatri brings us into deeper alignment and bestows a feeling of living in the divine state of pure consciousness. We have previously shared the first verse, now here’s the second…


Om Apo JyotiH rasoamRitaM

brahma bhur buvas svar Om

Phonetic Spelling:

Om A-po Jo-tear-a-so-M Ru-tom-a

Brah-ma Bhur-bhu-vas- Sv-ar Om

2. Lakshmi Mantra

Manifesting, abundance, prosperity, beauty, and fertility (birthing new ideas and creations)…


Om Shrim Klim Lakshmi Narayana Abhayam Namaha

Phonetic Spelling:

Om Sh-rim Kl-im Lak-sh-mi Na-rhy-ana Ab-e-ha-yam Na-ma-ha

3. Saraswati Mantra

Creativity & knowledge, the river of consciousness that enlivens creation


Om Saraswati Deveye Namaha


Om Sara-swa-tea Dav-e-yea Na-ma-ha


As a reminder, we will not be holding Mantra Mondays

this upcoming Monday or the next, however, our

Full Moon Altar Activation Ceremony is Friday, April 23rd at 11 am PDT!!

Here is the link to join us for the FREE Full Moon Altar Ceremony.

We will resume Mantra Mondays on May 10 @11am PT on both Facebook and Instagram Live!

We have also updated the Mantra Mondays Guide with some new mantras!!

Be sure to download your new copy so you can continue to follow along and chant the mantras with us during our lives, & as always we’ll include our Free

Vastu Full Moon Altar Ceremony for Abundance in All Things eBook.


Our EMF Protection Special still continues with our EMF House or Car USB Plug!

This tool is used to retune your electrical wiring in the house or car which changes the frequency into one that is not harmful to the body. Instead of weakening your body, the EMF House or Car USB Plug sets up a protective shield that protects you from the effects of EMFs.

And, as an added benefit, it does not weaken your wi-fi connections.

If you order the EMF House or Car USB Plug, you’ll get 25% off your purchase. If you order two or more, you can get the second device (and each one thereafter) at 33% off!

We also have two additional specials aside from our 5G Special!!!


Please use code “rebirth” at checkout to receive your discount of 20% off retail on the following offers.


Good through April!

The Ganesh Yantra – 20% off Prosperity and Removal of Obstacles Yantra through the month of April.

Place this yantra on your offering tray on your altar for a boost of added support and protection!

Second, our EMF Protection Pendant also 20% off through the month of April!

The EMF Protection Pendant contains the same proprietary blend of paramagnetic material that is in the EMF House or Car USB Plug.

These two devices protect you from EMF radiation by re-tuning EMFs in and around the body. They create a stimulating effect; opening the chakras and aligning the meridians to help promote health in the body.

The EMF Protection Pendant is an ideal solution for protecting you outside of your home or car, as it is filled with the same paramagnetic material as the EMF House or Car USB Plug. It does much more than just re-tune ambient EMFs to coherent frequencies. The pendant provides many benefits including:

• Balances the human bio-field to its natural state • Promotes balance of the bodies meridians • Neutralizes EMF radiation from internal body systems and restores the natural unwinding and rewinding of DNA • Re-tunes ambient EMF’s in and around the body

Protect yourself from the harmful effects of EMF radiation and so much more while wearing the EMF Protection Pendant. The pendant is designed and manufactured in Bali for Vastu Creations. Made of Bali silver. Wear it on a chain or carry it in your pocket. You can also place it on your bedside table at night.

**NOTE: Your EMF Protection Pendant is sealed shut and is not to be opened. It is not waterproof and needs to be removed when showering or swimming.

We’ll see you for our Full Moon Ceremony Friday, at 11 am PDT on Zoom!

Until then keep shining brightly,
