Healing in the Month of June
In the month of June, we will be focusing on healing in our Mantra Mondays and blog posts!
We’re in transformational times between two powerful eclipses. As a collective, we are feeling the impact of the lunar eclipse we just experienced on the 26th around our willingness to be vulnerable. As we address our deeper collective wounds, humanity is being asked, once again, to make choices around equality and healing our resistance to bringing light to the darkness.

Our physical world seems filled with pressure – volcanic eruptions, wars, shootings, the prolonged Covid pandemic. We long for some sort of resolution as we straddle two worlds – the one that is filled with increasing violence and upheaval, and the other where we are calling for healing and peace, seeking freedom from the ancient wounds we carry within us from our familial and human lineage.
Astrologically, the lunar eclipse – May 26th – in Scorpio (using Vedic Sidereal astrology) has collectively and personally brought up our desire to explore our vulnerabilities and wounds for healing. This desire to explore our deeper nature will continue for some time, at least until June 11, which is the solar eclipse in Taurus.
This Taurus energy brings up a reassessment of how you think about the energy of money and your worthiness around having it. The solar eclipse on June 11 intensifies primary relationship issues, potentially affecting the stability of them. This can be a rocky time as we’re challenged to let go of people in our life who are not aligned with our values, as well as releasing self-judgment that no longer serves us.
Mantras and breathing, walking in nature, journaling, taking time for meditation, resting, and long baths…the time for self-care is essential now as we enter and continue through this challenging period of time.

Alternate Nostril Breathing is also a tool that will calm the emotional intensity and overwhelm. To do this, close off your left nostril with your pinky and ring finger, breath in the right nostril, then close the right nostril with the thumb and breath out the left nostril.
Breath in with the left nostril and then repeat these steps over and over and until you feel a sense of calm. Lengthening the breath and breathe in slowly and exhale slowly will calm the mind and relax the body. Use this exercise any time you feel stressed or find the mind racing will help you immensely.
Mantras for this time
The following are mantras that will be helpful for you to chant during this time!
You can use Japa with your Mala Bead Necklace for the short version of these mantras.
Om Namah Shivaya – either chant the long version 3x/day or short version 108x/day throughout the days leading up to and through the solar eclipse
Mantra: Om Namah Shivaya Phonetic Spelling: Om Na-ma She-vai-ya
Ganesh Mantra – use this short version 108x/daily through the solar eclipse
Mantra: Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha
Phonetic Spelling: Om Gung (rhymes with “rung”) Gana-pat-ta-yay Na-ma-ha
There will be no Mantra Mondays on May 31st.
Michael and I will be in a Silence (Meditation) Retreat over Memorial Day Weekend
beginning Thursday afternoon, 5/27 through Monday, 5/31.
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Thank you so much for tuning into our blog! We’re so excited to share insights and Tools for Healing during the month of June!!! ❤️
Keep shining brightly!
Robin ✨