Embrace the Shift
It has arrived, the Full moon in Capricorn, opposite the Sun in Cancer, July 23rd at 10:37 PM.
If you would like to learn more detail about the Buck Moon, check out our last blog.
How to Keep the Wind in Your Sails…
Cancer is a water sign ruled by the moon which symbolizes emotions, feelings, love, nurturing, motherhood, and all things of the heart.
Capricorn is an earth sign, rooted in mental focus, responsibilities, commitment, and practicality.
A combination of this water and earth sign leads us to search and find alignment in our mind and heart. This is also a great time to humble ourselves in gratefulness for all the things we have manifested in our lives and everything we already have in this very moment.
The material world meets the emotional world.
This influence will have an effect on us until the new moon, Sunday, August 8th.
JULY 26th-AUGUST 1st
Saturn rules Capricorn and this planetary shift is having us slow down, steady ourselves, stabilize our mind, encouraging us to meditate and not be run by our emotions. This energy is wanting us to be committed to actions that align us with the goals we want to manifest and to take responsibility for what it is we want. It is an opportunity to let go of our fears so we can see the truth of who we are.
Another recent shift happened on the 20th where Mars moved from Cancer into Leo. Mars has been in Cancer for quite a while and has put a damper on how we feel. Our will, ambition, and drive have been sluggish and leaving us collectively feeling stuck.
With Mars making this transition into Leo, we should have the energy to get things done and to be able to manifest what we want in our lives with more ease. And, as it gains strength by the end of the month it will be very powerful! What a relief!
And, through all of this, we still have Saturn being afflicted by Rahu until the Fall which continues to bring some instability, some fear about Covid, and a feeling of uncertainty surrounding our future, both individually and collectively.
On July 29, Jupiter, which is in Aquarius, will be aspecting Mars in Leo. This is a VERY powerful time for manifestation. Jupiter is about opportunities, optimism, and the sign it’s in, Aquarius, has to do with social justice, and personally connecting with those people who are able to support us in manifesting what we desire.
Leo’s influence involves creativity, investments, knowledge, and children.
So instead of focusing on what we don’t want, let’s use this time to focus on what we DO want, especially when it comes to creativity. Remember, where our focus goes, energy flows.
Use this time for power and positive manifestation!
Mantras of the Week to Enliven Your Forward Motion
Each week we suggest mantras to assist with the energies of the week!
Here are 3 that we believe will be useful to you!
Lakshmi Mantra
Joy• Fortune • Love • Beauty
Om Shrim Klim Lakshmi Narayana Abhayam Namaha
Phonetic Spelling:
Om Sh-rim Kl-im Lak- sh-mi Na-rhy-ana Ab- e-ha-yam Na-ma-ha
Ganesh Mantra
Remove obstacles • Open Pathways
Ganesh Mantra:
Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha
Ganesh Phonetic Spelling:
Om Gung (rhymes with “rung”) Gana-pat-ta-yay Na-ma-ha
Om Namah Shivaya
Destroy illusion • Peace • Harmony
Mantra: Om Namah Shivaya
Phonetic Spelling: Om Na-ma She-vai-ya
🌕As we mentioned we will be taking a break for an unknown amount of time from our Facebook and Instagram Live offerings. As you can imagine, I have been just as affected as you with these planetary shifts and changes and have been feeling I need to allow time to feel myself more deeply and allow whatever is new to come to the surface to be birthed. We will still be active online and Michael will still be giving Vastu and Astrological Readings for those who desire his guidance.
🌕I mentioned my dear friend, LD Thompson during our Full Moon Ceremony, a channel for a beloved entity, Solano. His “twist” on Nadi Shodhana is a powerful reminder that there are tools that we can engage that reverse the aging process of our brains and enhance our consciousness. If you would like to learn more about LD, here’s his website: www.ldthompson.com, or to reach him by email – LDT@ldthompson.com
🌕 My Birthday Fundraiser continues until July 31, you can find it on my personal Facebook Page.
The Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project provides free legal and social services to detained adults and children under threat of deportation. I picked this as my birthday fundraiser because this cause is dear to my heart. Living in San Diego county, I have seen the impact of deportation and the government’s treatment of children and their parents. Join me in providing funding to this reputable organization. Even a $10 donation will make a meaningful difference.
My birthday is the 27th and I’m so excited that my family will be coming from out of town to celebrate with me! I’m looking forward to enjoying the week with them and relaxing into the love we share for one another. I hope you all take time this coming week to relax and open your hearts to love…that is my wish for you!🎁
Specials For the Month Of July…
15% off this power-packed package! Normally $66, now $56.10 (This package is already discounted on the website) LEARN VEDIC ASTROLOGY WITH MICHAEL Level 1 is 15% off through July! For those who want to bring insight and support to others in a practical, holistic manner that is aligned with the Vedic sciences, Transformative Vedic Astrology is for you. Level I Transformational Vedic Astrology is a comprehensive, introductory course that explores the Vedic science of Jyotish, the sister science of Ayurveda and Vastu Shastra. This system is more accurate than other systems of Vedic Astrology that you may know. Level l Transformational Vedic Astrology presents you with tools, techniques, and specific remedies that illuminate the soul, bringing insight and support to the challenges we all experience in life. You will learn valuable information from Master Vedic Astrologer, Michael Mastro, that will empower you, your family, friends, and clients. Use code celebration! for 15% off this course
Have a glorious week ahead and enjoy the energy shifts that are happening!