Something New is Coming...
As the summer dwindles to a close in August, new energy begins to build in the background, waiting to be born.
Over the past 7 months, we have been providing our community with Mantra Mondays (replays can be found on our Facebook page) and found a new way of connecting with you all that we never thought was possible. With the energy shift that we all feel, we’re choosing to move with the flow and discontinue Mantra Mondays for now.
We’re grateful for this opportunity to provide you with the knowledge of Mantras, Gods and Goddesses, astrology, and pranayama through our Facebook and Instagram live offerings, and even more excited to make room for what will be coming next.

Astrology for the week of August 1st – August 7th :
From July 29 – September 6, Mars will be in Leo. This transit brings in energy to be creative and get things done. Mars is a powerful masculine planet and Leo is also a masculine fire sign signifying the sun. Together, this collaboration brings bright ideas, energy, drive and ambition.
On the bright side of this energy, you may feel optimistic and energetic towards your goals, and on the shadow side, you may feel self-righteous and quick to fight. Take this information and keep it in mind when moments arise where you feel the desire to react. Instead, respond so you have the upper hand and remain in control of your own destiny.
Partnered with this energy, Jupiter is retrograde in Aquarius until September 15th. It moves into Capricorn for a short period of time and we will discuss more about this later in August. Jupiter transits back into Aquarius November 21st. This planetary event allows us to break down barriers, open ourselves up to new ways of thinking, co-create with diverse groups, and also infuse energy into our social circles. The feeling around these connections will be positive and we will feel more open-minded than usual, and news ideas will be abundant, so be sure you take notes so you can review them and then take action on the best path forward!
Overall in August, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Sun will be in Leo continuing the theme of creativity and advancing our desire and quest for spiritual knowledge.
There are some great times ahead, and we hope you can use this energy to manifest some amazing new ideas and collaborations!
Tarot Card of the Week
Speaking of new ideas, we have decided to bring in something different here – the Tarot Card of the Week! Many of you don’t know, but one of the first steps I made into the spiritual world was through intuitive and spiritual readings in my late teens/early 20s. As we continue the theme of “following the call”, I have been prompted to share this gift with my community once again.
This card of the week comes from one of my most favorite decks, the Rajneesh Neo-Tarot. What I love about this deck is the magical stories that come whenever I draw a card or do a reading for someone. This week, for my blog readers, I have drawn the “Giving” card.
It amazes me how this card reflects the astrology of this time as we move from summer into fall. This time requires that you give yourself over to discussions, dedicate yourself to your work, and to the overall bigger picture as we transform our world into something new.
Now is the time to open up and give it your all from the overflowing abundance of your heart. meanwhile, placing the ego aside.
The meaning of this card is the beautiful story of Mary Magdalene washing the feet of Jesus. In essence, Osho shares his view of the washing of Jesus’ feet with precious oil by Mary Magdalene. In his interpretation, the story isn’t so much about the cost of these oils, for indeed, they were expensive. It is more about the great feeling that arises from the heart of Mary Magdalene. What Jesus was in awe of was how she honored him with her love and devotion; her heart encompassed him and it took his breath away. His entire being is taken by her deep devotion and unbounded love.

The Mantra of the Week - Activate the Divine Feminine Energy

I seemingly have been guided to share with you a mantra that embodies the above experience in sacred sound. It is a Shaki Mantra, a part of an extensive invocation to the Divine Feminine, and perfect for bringing in balance to this fiery masculine energy of Mars and Leo:
Translation: I bow to the Great Feminine who abides in all beings in the form of beauty.
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu
Kanti (Beauty) Rupena Sasthita
Nama Stasyei Nama Stasyei Nama Stasyei
Namo Namah
Ya De-vi Sar-va Bhu-tes-shoe
Kan-ti Ru-pea-na Sas-thee-ta
Na-ma Stas-yea Na-ma Stas-yea Na-ma Stas-yea
Na-mo Na-ma
The Mudra of the Week
Shakti Mudra – Life Force Energy
Along with the tarot card pulls, we’ll begin to offer mudras as well!! Mudras are hand gestures often seen in Hindusim and Buddhism using the fingers, hands, and movements of the wrist acting as an “energetic seal of authenticity”.
Today’s mudra creates inner well-being and helps with healing deeply held emotional pain. It elevates the consciousness to help you realize your strength and full potential.
You can use this mudra to create a sense of calmness and to assist with a good night’s sleep. Use only when needed as it may lead to feeling lethargic during the day if overused.
This is a wonderful mudra for relaxation and flow, and to allow the feminine energy within you to support you.

How to use: Place the tips of your ring fingers and little fingers together and place both thumbs across the palm of each hand. Fold your pointer finger and middle finger over your thumb.
Breathe without effort into the base of the spine and relax the pelvic floor. Allow the energy to effortlessly rise and fill your body with calming energy.
We hope you enjoyed the new aspects of the blog, and we’re excited to allow space for more creations. As we mentioned above, it’s an important time for collaborations, so we would love to hear from you what you love learning about from us at Vastu Creations. Also please let us know what ways you like to get your information? Is it Youtube, Facebook, Instagram? Do you like short videos, long videos, pictures, or blog posts? Leave a comment below!
We’re excited to extend our sale through August 5th!
NEW: The Empower & Protect Package * Personal Power Mantra Mp3 audio recording – (retail: $21) * Mantra Bead Necklace – (retail: $25) * Keystone – (retail: $20)
15% off this power-packed package!
Normally $66, now $56.10 (This package is already discounted on the website)
For those who want to bring insight and support to others in a practical, holistic manner that is aligned with the Vedic sciences, Transformative Vedic Astrology is for you. Level I Transformational Vedic Astrology is a comprehensive, introductory course that explores the Vedic science of Jyotish, the sister science of Ayurveda and Vastu Shastra. This system is more accurate than other systems of Vedic Astrology that you may know.
Enjoy your summer and please send us pictures of your full moon altar and do keep in touch!