Why Space Matters
According to Astrology, this is what you need to make space for...
Allow energy to flow freely...
Speaking of shifting your energy, the following Vastu tenet can be used to enhance your space and allow the flow of energy to circulate and move freely in your surroundings.
Check out our Special Offers, extended through September 3!
Check out our Special Offers, extended through September 3!
Here’s what three of our recent Vastu Home Consultation clients
said about how we’ve brought more positive energy into their lives…
“We’ve both noticed improvements in our health since you consulted us on our Vastu.” MJ, Mars, PA
“Within two days of my Vastu consultation with you, I got a really good job after searching for work for over a year. Thank you!” RM, San Diego, CA
“The positive changes in our lives since your consultation are impressive! We will definitely recommend you to our friends and family!” LM, Salzburg, Austria
SPECIAL OFFER #2:Mala Bead Necklace - 20% off - use code: august21
The Mala Bead Necklace is the perfect addition to your mantra/meditation practice and will assist you in creating space for yourself and the divine each day.
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to create some exciting new offerings, and will be sharing them with you when the time is right!
Until next time, continue you shine brightly,