The Power of Prayer

Unsettled and restless energy ~ What to do to support yourself during this time of great change…

The polarity we have lived with on the planet between right and wrong, good and evil, us and them, has driven us collectively since the dawn of time. It is time for us to look at what justice means to us individually and our beliefs surrounding it. The energy is building for us to heal the separation within ourselves and our world and to put an end to our self-imposed separation and alienation from Spirit and one another.
Our outer world is a reflection of what lives within us. We have lived with a sense of separation, of duality, for eons. There has always been “those” we have judged to be weaker, lesser, poorer, inconsequential to our personal desires. As a race, we have strived to have power over those who we believed we could dominate with our ideals, beliefs and fears. Present day, our media keeps us polarized and stirred up, thinking there are those who are misguided and ignorant of the truth. 
But…what is this truth? What do we believe as fact? Who do we change and how? How do we change another when we have no control over our racing minds, our personal righteousness and the injustices we do to ourselves every single day?
All truth lies within the core of our being if we allow the light of consciousness to enter. There is a saying that the light enters when the wound opens and this is that time. Our wounding –towards ourselves and one another– is being revealed and it is not a pretty sight to behold. It is messy and filled with our collective pain and sorrow, but it is time for it to be revealed, and it is time for us to allow grace and love to help us surrender to what is next.
We will all need help on this part of the journey…we will need to be fully present within ourselves for ourselves and we will need to be willing to reach out for the support of others. Find your kindred spirits, your teachers, sisters and brothers who will help to light the way. Now is the time for grace, kindness, compassion and love to lead.

The Planets are Stirring Up the Energy for Us to Wake Up...

This fall’s Mercury Retrograde is in Libra. It began September 27 and runs through October 18, but the energy of this retrograde has been with us for quite some time, and will continue to be felt (albeit not as intensely) for at least 10 days after it’s over.
If you’ve struggled through a pre-shadow or post-shadow period, know how Mercury’s shadows can impact your life! 
  1. Double-check everything twice, especially when you travel, sign contracts of any kind or do anything with electronics. …
  2. In fact, back up your computer and make sure your electronic devices are running well. …
  3. Surround yourself with positive people. … 
  4. Think twice before you say anything. isten more than you speak. …
  5. Mind Mercury’s shadow
  6. Reassess and repair relationships and situations that need healing.
Throughout the month, Saturn in Capricorn will be afflicted by Rahu in Taurus. This planetary aspect will be around through November 20. This can cause even more difficulties with Covid and indicates earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes as well as social unrest. Expect October to feel restless and unsettled.
October 1 – Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo. This alignment can bring agitation, deeper thoughts and emotions. If you feel angry or frustrated, check yourself. You are feeling the collective energy and you have a choice how to use it. Take some time to breathe deeply today when your mind starts veering into negativity. By tracing your steps back to the beginning of that path you just went down realize your have a choice. The energy of Mercury in Libra is about healing and bringing balance back into the moment. 
October 3 – Jupiter in retrograde trines Mercury in retrograde at 29 degrees Capricorn aspecting Virgo. If you’re traveling this day, double check your plans and be very observant. These two planets in retrograde, while usually great for opening your mind and learning new things, as well as great for traveling, make today a little dicey. Once they both turn direct mid-month, life will get easier.
October 6 – New Moon in Virgo. New discoveries in healing and learning how to work with Covid, including the Delta variant, will be made public. Things will be exposed in order to bring healing. 
This is also the first day of Navratri, the celebration of the Divine Feminine for millions of devotees around the world. The first Day of Navratri celebrates the Goddess Maa Shailaputri, an avatar of Goddess Durga. She carries a lotus in one hand, a trident in the other and uses a bull (Nandi) as her vehicle.

Maa Shailaputri is worshipped with great enthusiasm and it is believed that devotees can lead a happy and successful life with her blessings.


$108 a month
What is a Puja ceremony?
The word “pūjā” is Sanskrit, and means reverence, honour, homage, adoration and worship. Puja, the loving offering of light, flowers, and water or food to the divine, is a blessing to bring your heartfelt desires into fruition. 
Why is Puja performed?
Puja is for fulfillment of human desires, wants, freedom from sufferings, for off-springs, for marriage, rise in status and position, for health, wealth, and other desires. Pujas are meant to support us in focusing on the divine that lives within all beings, of purifying and aligning our thoughts and desires with our highest good.
Sacred Puja Ceremonies Performed for You by Michael…

puja performed by Michael for you and/or your family can be for a specific purpose, or simply as an act of devotion. Michael has been doing daily puja to support people around the world for over 50 years. His sincere desire is to be of service to humanity and to make available his deep connection with the divine forces that support your success and happiness.
These monthly blessings are offered for all those who wish to support any of these following concerns: 
  • health issues
  • financial issues
  • career issues
  • support for finding a great job
  • support your life purpose
  • relationship issues
  • attracting a mate
  • legal issues
  • support for conceiving a child
  • assistance with spiritual progress
  • happiness and peace of mind
  • assistance selling a house or business
  • to improve business success
  • and more…
Here is what people are saying:
I had Michael doing pujas for 3 months and it improved the profits of my clothing store by 50%.
Bill C – Tacoma WA
Michael did pujas to help me sell my house which was on the market for over a year and it sold the next month. I am very grateful for his support.
Jill H – Atlanta Georgia
I was trying for a job for months and after having Michael do pujas for me I found a great job the next month.
Sarita J – San Jose CA


The EMF Protection Pendant is an ideal solution for protecting you outside of your home or car. It is filled with the same paramagnetic material as the Whole House EMF Plug and the 5G House or Car USB Plug. It does much more than just retune ambient EMF’s to coherent frequencies. The pendant provides many benefits including:

• Balances the human bio-field to its natural state
• Promotes balance of the bodies meridians
• Neutralizes EMF radiation from internal body systems and restores the natural unwinding and rewinding of DNA
• Retunes ambient EMF’s in and around the body

Protect yourself from the harmful effects of EMF radiation and so much more while wearing the EMF Protection Pendant. The pendant is designed and manufactured in Bali. Made of Bali Silver. Wear it on a chain or carry it in your pocket. You can also place it on your bedside table at night.

This is the same design as the EMF Protection Pendant and is an ideal solution for protecting you outside of your home or car. It is filled with the same paramagnetic material as the Whole House EMF Plug and the EMF House or Car USB Plug. It does much more than just retune ambient EMF’s to coherent frequencies. The pendant provides many benefits including:

• Balances the human bio-field to its natural state

• Promotes balance of the bodies meridians

• Neutralizes EMF radiation from internal body systems and restores the natural unwinding and rewinding of DNA

• Retunes ambient EMF’s in and around the body

Protect yourself from the harmful effects of EMF radiation -whether at home or while out-and so much more while wearing the EMF Protection Pendant.

ADDITIONALLY, this pendant is individualized and contains planetary remedies that have been indicated as supportive to you after your One Year Astrological Reading* with Michael Mastro, Master Vedic Astrologer.

The remedies contained in the pendant strengthen the weak planets in your Vedic astrology chart for an added layer of protection for your immune system, as well as give you support for your finances, relationships, and career.

* The One Year Astrological Reading is sent to you via email. The pendant is sent to you via USPS. If you would like to add a 1 hour Zoom meeting with Michael Mastro to go over your chart for an additional $100, please contact Michael at 206-661-1117 for an appointment

Use the code Kavach21 for 20% off good through October 31

We hope you’ve enjoyed our blog…let us know if you have questions or need our support.
Until next time, continue to shine brightly!