It’s Been a Rollercoaster Ride!

But, there is greater opportunity for positive action coming up…

This past Monday was a time to avoid arguments, but the 15th is a day to move things forward…

We are in a time where it feels like the ground beneath continues to move and we can’t get our balance. It may have felt like ages since you’ve been on an even keel, but things are going to get better…just have faith that they will.
The 15th is going to be a perfect day to take right action. You will have both the leadership/authority along with the wisdom and opportunity to take the appropriate actions to create a better future.
Stress has a way of getting our attention. Some symptoms of stress you may be experiencing are: 
  • Pain in the body
  • Headaches
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Overwhelm and anxiety 
  • Fear of things beyond your control
  • Easy to get angry

Because of the unpredictable nature of the times, we are living in, we’d like to suggest some simple yet effective ways to reduce the stress you might be feeling. Here are just a few:

  • Go for a 20-minute walk
  • Spend time out in nature
  • Take time to close your eyes and take some deep breaths in and out through the nose
  • Stretch your limbs and really feel your body
  • Drink half your weight of water daily
  • Meditate for 10-20 minutes
  • Listen to relaxing music
  • Try this breathing exercise (see below)
Any of these above techniques, if done regularly, will support you to reduce the stress in your life and experience a better quality of life.
Try this easy technique that relaxes the mind, body and brings you into the present moment:
Sit relaxed with spine straight
Close the eyes
Breath in through the nose to a count of four – Use this technique to slow your breath down to relax: count slowly: 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004
Hold for a count of four
Breath out through the nose to a count of four
This form of “box” breathing is very effective and reduces stress easily and quickly. Try it and let me know if it works for you.❣️

We’re coming up on several big events this month...

  1. The full moon eclipse next week on November 19 (more about this in our next newsletter)
  2. Special offers coming beginning November 24 through November 30!
  3. Thanksgiving in the US on November 25 – the holiday season begins by bringing family and friends together and taking time to be grateful for all that we have, tangible and intangible.



What is a One Year Astrological Reading?

Transformational Jyotish Astrology reveals difficult planetary periods and challenges that everyone experiences from time to time. Vastu Creations offers time-proven tools and techniques to alleviate stress during those times of transition, as well as brings you a deeper understanding of the greater intelligence that influences your daily life. Jyotish astrology presents you with helpful suggestions to work with these natural forces in a more harmonious way that supports your personal growth and reduces any suffering.

Your One Year Astrological Reading with Michael Mastro, offers an in-depth view to support you to move forward in your life, without struggle. This consultation gives you guidance for planning when to and not to invest, indicators for saving and spending, when to avoid risks, times to be more conscious about health, happiness, travel, success in business, and relationships. You will receive your predictions for the next year via e-mail. Your predictions contain personal mantra(s), as well as other individualized recommendations (colors, gems, scents, and actions) that will lessen your specific life’s karmic challenges.

This reading covers 12 months.