April Brings Optimism, Opportunity, and Prayers for Peace

Finally, some good news! It is written in the stars that something good has begun…
In Vedic astrology Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, is entering into its favorite sign of all time, Pisces, on April 13 (US time) through 4/22.
It’s time for you to manifest your dreams, feel more love, creativity, and experience heightened intuition. Pick up your journal or a sketchbook and get your imagination and intuition juices pumping. Consider what you want your life to look like this year. The energy is very supportive for you to make things happen!
Jupiter rules the sign of Pisces. Pisces energy is about the evolution of consciousness as seen through the lens of astrology. Pisces is considered the “natural” sign of the 12th house. It is the last astrological sign we all go through before we move into Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Expect to see more opportunities for abundance, as well as creative expression blossoming. There will be a general feeling of more compassion and empathy on the planet, and a greater sense of unity in the world.
Pisces reminds us that we co-exist with one another, and therefore the recent lessons of division and violence illuminate how vulnerable we as individuals and as a collective really are. It’s time to treat ourselves and each other with more kindness, patience and caring, because we truly are one…whatever harms one person impacts the collective in some way.
The Jupiter into transit Pisces inspires us to be more proactive in our community and create new connections based on our shared values. The underlying frequency now will be more intuitive and mystical, as a more consciousness-raising, uniting energy begins to flood the planet, and the vibration of love will be felt by all. During Jupiter’s time in Pisces, you will likely feel more connected with the people who come into your life, be more aware of others feelings, and in general experience a deeper compassion and generosity toward others and they towards you. This transit is also a powerful time to expand deeper feelings of love and openness in your relationships.
This loving energy comes to a head on April 30th, when there is a conjunction in Pisces between expansive Jupiter and passionate Venus. Additionally we have a solar eclipse in Aries. This can be a wonderful opportunity to expand love through self-care activities –meditation, yoga, chanting, pranayama, journaling, walks in nature. Whatever you do to nurture yourself on the 30th will smooth the road ahead even more. If you take time on the 30th to love yourself, it will generate a positive boost to allow you to embrace all the good coming your way more fully.
If you’ve been looking for a sign that things are looking up, this is it!
Planetary Transits That Offer More Optimism in April
April 28 – Saturn moves into Aquarius – Saturn’s transit into Aquarius at the end of April heralds a time of freedom from restrictions. We should be seeing a uptick in travel and people experiencing less limitations and fears, in general. Saturn is about service and Aquarius is all about humanity. This is a good time to do charity work, or donate to humanitarian organizations.
April 30 – Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aries + Jupiter and Venus conjunct Pisces – There’s a possibility of career stress and potential for conflict today. It’s best to avoid arguments and take the day off to do some much needed self-care. You not only deserve a respite from all the twists and turns the month’s energy offered, but taking time today for yourself will give you a boost to begin May on a positive note.

Michael has been diligently working on his NEW offering: VEDIC MEDICAL ASTROLOGY COURSE 12 Lessons Leading to Certification Coming this Spring!
This 12 lesson course contains powerful information to support your work with clients, family or friends, or for your own peace of mind.
You will receive certification upon completion at the end of this course as a Vedic Medical Astrologer through the American Institute of Vastu by completing the course and submitting required assignments. This course is recommended for nutritional coaches, Ayurvedic practitioners, health coaches, life coaches, or anyone who is desiring to help themselves and others with the lifetime journey of health and healing.
The Vedic Medical Astrology Course offers you:
- Remedies to protect and support from illness, including remedies for addictions.
- Protocols and lifestyle tips for chronic disease
- Auspicious times for conception
- Determining favorable timing for surgeries
- Duration of healing and recovery time from illness or disease
- Indicators when to be cautious about accidents and illness, and when to be more attentive to proper rest and diet
- Supportive transits for starting medication and surgeries
This course will be interactive and include weekly Zoom sessions with chart readings, case studies, and
Q&A. Become a trusted resource to help yourself and others deal with medical challenges.