Vastu is the mother of Feng Shui and is much older and more powerful.
To really help someone on their path to success you must not only look at their Jyotish but also the sister sciences of Vastu and Ayurveda.
These three scieces are very interconnected.
Anyone’s Jyotish chart can be seen through the floor plan of the residence as well as thier Ayurvedic dosha type and vice versa.
Each area of a house is associated with a planet and a Ayurvedic Dosha type.
Everything in the universe including our body and our residence is made of energy and that energy is made of the five elements earth, water, fire, air and space.
Ayurveda aims at balancing the five elements in the body and Vastu aims at balancing the five elements in the body of your body which is your residence.
If the five elements are out of balance in the residence they will be out of balance in the chart and the body.
If there are some imbalances in the five elements this person may be susceptible to some sort of career, finance, relationship or health issues.
Why are Jyotish, Vastu and Ayurveda so interconnected?
The reason is we will naturally gravitate towards a floor plan that supports the planetary lessons that we need to learn from our Jyotish chart.
A person may feel like redecorating, remodeling or changing residences as they shift from one planetary dasha to another.
Here is an example of a someone’s chart, floor plan and ayurvedic diagnosis.
In this residence the SE corner is missing due to the SW garage extension.
If there is a missing corner in the SE this will reduce the fire element and affect health.
In Vastu Venus is associated with the SE area of a residence, the fire element and pitta dosha in Ayurveda.
This person was diagnosed with an aggravated pitta dosha.
In the same persons chart Venus rules 6th house of health and is weak in infant state.
Just like there are remedies in Jyotish and Ayurveda there are also remedies in Vastu.
A remedy to and strengthen a weak Venus in this chart is to help women.
To remedy and balance an aggravated pitta dosha which caused inflammation Rheumatoid Arthritis is take 2 Tumeric tablets daily.
To remedy a SE missing corner or other residential imbalances affecting health, relationships, finances and career get a Vastu consultation.
As much as possible reduce clutter in all areas including the center to improve health, relationships finances and career.
If your residence is not aligned to the cardinal directions,
If the center of your residence has a toilet or furnace,
if there are missing corners.
If your stove, furnace, fireplace, hot water tank and w/d is not in the SE and your toilets are not in the NW area of your house we suggest you get a Vastu consultation to improve all areas of life.
Michael Mastro is North America’s leading expert of Vastu. He has been successfully helping people worldwide for the past 40 years to improve all areas of life without any remodeling.
Just send him a quick sketch of your floorplan.
He will be able to locate and remove stuck energy in your residence that is creating stress affecting your relationships, health finances and career without any remodeling.
Corporate clients include Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing and Intel.
He has also co-authored three award-winning book The Way of Vastu Michael teaches courses in Vastu at the Chopra Center and Bastyr University. In 2015, he presented Vastu on the Doctor Oz Show This year, Michael was named one of the Top 100 Trailblazers in Yoga and Ayurveda in the World by Spirituality and Health Magazine. You can contact Michael at and his website is
Please contact us with any questions or concerns you might have. We are here to serve you. You can reach us at
Until next month, keep shining brightly!
Robin Mastro is co-founder of Vastu Creations and the American Institute of Vastu – consultancy, design, and educational companies that focus on eliminating environmental stress for greater productivity, improved health and wellbeing. Robin has been a teacher of mediation and Vedic breathing for the Art of Living Foundation for over 25 years. Her research in accessing the power of altars in the Vedic tradition led her to study ancient cultures around the world and how they connected with unseen forces to support their daily lives. She has co-authored three award-winning books on Vastu with her husband, Michael: Altars of Power and Grace (Balanced Books Publishing, The Way of Vastu (Balanced Books Publishing), and Making Room for Mr. Right (Simon and Schuster/Atria). For decades, Robin has worked with students and clients to live healthier, more harmonious and productive lives. She is in service to others through her award-wining books, courses, and on-going offerings. She can be reached at