Using Vastu and Jyotish for Healing

What is Vastu and Jyotishs relationship to Ayurveda?

Vastu is a 7,000 year old science that offers us the knowledge and technology to improve career, finances, relationships and health without remodeling by reducing stress. Vastu comes from an ancient text called the Atharva Veda that deals with how to improve the quality of your life. This text also contains Ayurveda, Jyotish, Yoga, meditation and pranayama, which all deal with reducing stress and dis-ease in the body.

 Vastu eliminates stress in the environment through the balancing the five elements and much more. The knowledge of Vastu was carried over the mountains from India to China about 2500 years ago and became widely known as Feng Shui.

Jyotish helps us understand when we need to focus more on healing. It also gives us many tools to support that healing.

What hinders healing?

According to scientific studies, stress limits our potential for healing.

Just as yoga, acupuncture or chiropractic release stuck energy or stress in the body, Vastu releases stuck energy and radiation in the home or office that blocks success in finances, career, creativity, productivity, harmony in relationships and health. Jyotish gives us the tools to support healing.

How does Vastu and Jyotish support healing by reducing stress?

  1. 1. By aligning yourself with the forces of nature
  2. By reducing energy blocks and leaks
  3. By correcting the placement of the five elements
  4. By correcting the shape of your home or office
  5. By reducing electromagnetic stress (radiation)
  6. By learning which planetary herbs will support our healing


  1. How do you align yourself to the forces of nature to reduce stress? When you align your physical body, home and workspace with two forces of nature, you reduce stress, and productivity increases. Studies have shown when you face the south or west while working you produce a stressful beta brain wave, inhibiting your ability to think and act optimally.
  • Positive solar energy comes from the east and supports right brain creative thought.
  • Positive magnetic energy comes from the north and supports left brain analytical thought.

Nature supports healing when you, your home and workspace are aligned with these two forces. When you are aligned, it’s like swimming with the current of a stream instead of struggling against it.

  • Try this experiment: Face North or East to reduce stress while working and supporting brainwave activity. You will notice you think more clearly (facing North) and feel more creative (facing East).
  • Here is a great suggestion: To improve healing, align yourself with the forces of nature while you sleep by sleeping with your head in the East, SE, South, SW or West directions. This suggestion is supported by scientific studies. 
  1. How to reduce energy blocks and leaks that cause stress, which can lead to illness, using the science of Vastu: 
  • Blocked energy in the NE can affect obesity, immune, leukemia, cancer, asthma, infertility and headaches.
  • Blocked energy in the NW can affect mental stability, elimination, digestion and sleep.
  • Blocked energy in the SE can affect sex drive, digestion and sleep.
  • Doors and windows in the SW can leak energy that affects low back and feeling tired.
  • By using specific yantras and planetary remedies to attract blocked healing energy in the NE that stop energy from leaking out the SW, you can improve your health over time. 
  1. How to correct the placement of the 5 elements and how the elements affect your health and doshas: Everything, including your home or office, and your body is made of five elements: earth, water, fire, air and space. Before we continue, we will do a short, guided meditation to get acquainted with the five elements in your body and how they affect you.  Each element influences specific aspects of our physical bodies:
  • The earth element is related to our flesh and bones and how we support ourselves in our career.
  • The water element is related to the fluids in our body and growth of our finances.
  • The fire element is related to body warmth, digestion and metabolism and our ability to be productive.
  • The air element is related to our breath, our joints, as well as our relationships.
  • The ether element is related to the hollow spaces in the body and our success in life.

Illness can be caused by misplaced elements in and outside your home or office. The misplacement of the fire and water elements creates the majority of health challenges most people experience.

Fire elements are microwaves, stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, electrical panels, AC units, hot water tanks and other electrical machinery. Water elements are fountains, pools, fish tanks, hot water tanks, lakes, rivers and oceans.

  • Fire or water in the SW can affect low back, bones, teeth, feet and fibromyalgia.
  • Water in the SE can affect inflammation, diabetes and sleep.
  • Fire in the NE can affect obesity, cancer, fertility and headaches.
  • Fire or water in the center can affect heart, emotions and headaches.

Yantras and other planetary remedies can be used to correct any misplaced element. Yantras are powerful tools that are used to move energy in an environment in a similar way as acupuncture is used to unblock stuck energy in the meridians. 

Your constitution is sustained by three doshas or bodily influences. These doshas are also related to the five elements and different directions. Because of the influence of the five elements on our physiology, the doshas are also affected. Try this experiment to find out if spending time in different areas of your home or office improves your health and well-being:

  • Spending time in the SW and/or NE affects Kapha. These directions are associated with earth and water, which have a stabilizing affect on your energy. Those with Kapha influence lack energy and can benefit by working in the SE and the NW areas of the home or office.
  • Spending time in the SE affects Pitta. This direction is associated with fire and digestion. Those with Pitta influence have too much energy and will be supported by the grounding influence of working in the SW and NE areas of the home or office.
  • Spending time in the NW affects Vata. This direction is associated with ether, air and the mind. Those with vata influence will benefit from the stabilizing affect of working in the SW and NE areas of the home or office. 
  1.       How the shape of your lot, house or office and clutter impacts your health. In a rectangular building, energy flows efficiently without getting stuck. Cuts or extensions in each direction can affect different parts of the body, causing imbalances and dis-ease:
  • NW/vata/air: joints, breath, digestion, bladder, mental stability, headaches, arthritis, ovaries, addictions, womb, high blood pressure
  • North/Kapha/air/water: cancer, heart, chest, lungs, liver, nose, solar plexus, diabetes, nerves
  • NE/kapha/water/ether: infertility, cancer, obesity, throat, breast, hips, bronchitis, asthma
  • East/pitta/kapha/ether/fire: head, immune system, heart, eyes, circulatory disorders
  • SE/pitta/fire: cancer, liver, acidity, ulcer, colitis, acne, rashes, swelling, diabetes, thyroid, eyes, calves, insomnia, diarrhea, digestion, heartburn
  • South/pitta/earth/fire: sleep, prostrate, child, bearing knees, allergy, nose, cold, blood, infection, measles
  • SW/kapha/earth: bones, teeth, feet, low back, spleen, fibromyalgia
  • West/vata/kapha/air/earth: kidneys, spleen, gallstones, knees, hair, bones, teeth low back, acne. Center/vata/pitta/ether: emotions, bronchitis, heart, headache

       Yantras can be used to energetically correct the missing corners or extensions of a home or office without costly remodeling. As mentioned before, yantras are powerful tools that are used to move energy in an environment. 

Clutter also creates environmental stress and will have similar affects on your health and well-being in each direction as those previously mentioned above (#5). Vastu eliminates blocked energy in a home or office so people feel less restricted energetically. And as an outcome of freeing up the energy, you feel more motivated to get organized.

  1. Electromagnetic stress/radiation can create imbalances that affect your health.  The affects are greater where you spend a lot of time working and sleeping as radiation can adversely affect your immune system and compromise your health.

Vastu can detect radiation and ground and reduce its impact using copper rods that can be placed inconspicuously in rooms or outdoors where radiation is present. Electromagnetic stress can come from:

  • Underground utilities: power, water, sewer, gas, and storm lines
  • Fault lines
  • Underground streams
  • Internal home or office wiring, pipes, computers, and appliances
  1. How specific Jyotish remedies can support healing.

Conclusion: From a Vedic perspective, stress reduction and healing can be improved through Vastu and Jyotish . Vastu enhances the physical well-being by eliminating stress in your physical and energetic surroundings: the body of your body. For optimum results, each of the above modalities should be implemented for personal healing and professional success. Jyotish helps to prescribe planetary remedies to support healing.


Add a Himalayan Salt lamp in the SE are of your residence for better health


If your residence is not aligned to the cardinal directions, 

If the center of your residence has a toilet or furnace, 

if there are missing corners. 

If your stove, furnace, fireplace, hot water tank and w/d is not in the SE and your toilets are not in the NW area of your house we suggest you get a Vastu consultation to improve all areas of life.


Michael Mastro is North America’s leading expert of Vastu. He has been successfully helping people worldwide for the past 40 years to improve all areas of life without any remodeling.

Just send him a quick sketch of your floorplan. 

He will be able to locate and remove stuck energy in your residence that is creating stress affecting your relationships, health finances and career without any remodeling.

Corporate clients include Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing and Intel.

He has also co-authored three award-winning book The Way of Vastu Michael teaches courses in Vastu at the Chopra Center and Bastyr University. In 2015, he presented Vastu on the Doctor Oz Show This year, Michael was named one of the Top 100 Trailblazers in Yoga and Ayurveda in the World by Spirituality and Health Magazine. You can contact Michael at and his website is

Please contact us with any questions or concerns you might have. We are here to serve you. You can reach us at

Until next month, keep shining brightly! 

Robin Mastro is co-founder of Vastu Creations and the American Institute of Vastu – consultancy, design, and educational companies that focus on eliminating environmental stress for greater productivity, improved health and wellbeing. Robin has been a teacher of mediation and Vedic breathing for the Art of Living Foundation for over 25 years. Her research in accessing the power of altars in the Vedic tradition led her to study ancient cultures around the world and how they connected with unseen forces to support their daily lives. She has co-authored three award-winning books on Vastu with her husband, Michael: Altars of Power and Grace (Balanced Books Publishing, The Way of Vastu (Balanced Books Publishing), and Making Room for Mr. Right (Simon and Schuster/Atria). For decades, Robin has worked with students and clients to live healthier, more harmonious and productive lives. She is in service to others through her award-wining books, courses, and on-going offerings. She can be reached at

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