How many of you are excited about going to work each day? How many of you have sit at your desk at work and felt overwhelmed by what you had to accomplish? Where we live and work has a powerful effect on our ability to feel good, think clearly, and be productive. How is this so?
Quantum physics is now telling us that everything is made of energy – you, the chair you’re sitting on, your office, are all made of the same five basic energy elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Not only is everything made of energy, physicists are also saying everything in the universe is interconnected and influences each other, which is why the balance of the elements in our environment is so key to how we think, feel, and act. If there is imbalance we feel stressed out, unproductive, and lack creativity.
In nature, all these elements are in balance. You can experience this balance by standing on an ocean beach or at a waterfall: you have a vibrant sense of well-being.
You might have had the experience of the opposite of this when you moved into a new home or office and everything appeared to change for the worse and you experienced ill health, depression, anxiety, or lack of productivity and effectiveness. By balancing the five elements in your home or office, you unlock the potential for success and eliminate the stress that is the underlying cause of so many of life’s challenges.
Introduce Vastu here…
Recent research suggests that much of poor performance can be attributed to workplace stress. The American Mental Health Association reports that work-related pressure is contributing to higher levels of depression, anxiety, and burnout. It’s estimated that workplace depression cost US companies over 1.4 billion dollars in lost productivity in 2003. In fact, within the next 20 years, depression and its related illnesses is said to be the leading cause of lost workdays.
Success in the workplace depends on productivity and creativity, attracting new customers and keeping them satisfied, and healthy co-worker relationships. By eliminating stress in the office environment, the potential for individual and company success overwhelmingly increases.
Over the years, we have worked with corporations like Microsoft, Boeing, Cingular, Rosetta, World Bank, and NASA and have used this environmental science to create healthy stress-free work environments. You don’t have to work for a major corporation to benefit from the science of Vastu. Here are some tips that you can implement today that can make a difference for you at work.
What are the tips??? You bring in a few things below, so maybe this sentence needs to be omitted here. What about work flow on the desk or any of that…yes? No?
First of all, it is important to realize that if you’re experiencing lack of motivation, frustration, stress, or depression at work, it may very well be more than your job, it could be caused by the very environment in which you work. A qualified Vastu practitioner can tell just by looking at the space in which you work, what is hindering your success and know what to do to alleviate the imbalances. Here’s what to look for that are keys to alert you to environmental stress:
- You feel confused or tired at work. Your immune system may be compromised and you miss work days;
- relationships with others are unproductive, or cause tension;
- you aren’t as effective as you feel you can be and you get overlooked for promotion or not acknowledged for what you do.
The story of Frank is rather blah…we have so many that are better –
One of our clients named Frank who was in his mid-30’s worked for a high-tech company in California and felt invisible and ignored. On top of that, he wasn’t getting any promotions, although he had been there longer than many who were getting promotions. He was also experiencing a lot of sick days.
We looked at his work-space and found there were many things causing the stress he was feeling, which we corrected using Vastu technology. The impact these adjustments had on his office and his life were quite dramatic. When we spoke with Frank a month later, he commented that within a week of having his office Vastued by us, he noticed he felt less tired and people seemed to be more receptive to his ideas. Soon after, he received a raise and was actually enjoying his work.
Frank’s story is not unusual. We’ve worked with literally thousands of people over the years to help them balance offices and homes to get the most benefit from aligning with the positive energy in our environment. By learning new ways of looking at the environment, we can gain the support of nature and eliminate so much of the struggle in our lives.
There are two natural forces on the earth that influence everything in our lives: the positive magnetic energy coming from the north and the positive solar energy that comes from the east. There are many studies that show that depending on the direction you are facing, the neurons in the thalamus of the brain fire differently, affecting the quality of your health and productivity. Just by facing specific directions, you can maximize your potential for success!
Here are three simple things that you can do for yourself that will dramatically improve you finances, enhance your creativity and health today: we need to focus on the workplace. What else can we offer – peppered throughout the article??
- For greater success, sit facing north at your desk or table when working at anything to do with finances.
- To improve your creativity, facing east will greatly enhance your ability to “think outside the box.”
- If you sleep with the head of your bed to the south you will get a deeper, more refreshing nights sleep which will improve your health and productivity. This is so because the body is a magnet. The positive polarity is in the head. Our blood contains iron, just like a magnet. Sleeping with your head to the north is like bringing two positive ends of magnets together, which causes them to repel. This is what happens in your body when you sleep with your head to the north. It creates dis-ease in the body which disrupts the circulation and digestion, and prevents deep rest.
Sleeping with your head to the south helps eliminate the stress you accumulate during the day and improves your health and mental clarity by giving you deeper, more beneficial rest.
Michael and Robin Mastro are Environmental Consultants and the authors of the award-winning Altars of Power and Grace. Their new book, The Way of Vastu, will be in stores this Fall. For information on reducing stress in your home or office contact the Mastros at
Please contact us with any questions or concerns you might have. We are here to serve you. You can reach us at
Until next month, keep shining brightly! Robin
Robin Mastro is co-founder of Vastu Creations and the American Institute of Vastu – consultancy, design, and educational companies that focus on eliminating environmental stress for greater productivity, improved health and wellbeing. Robin has been a teacher of mediation and Vedic breathing for the Art of Living Foundation for over 25 years. Her research in accessing the power of altars in the Vedic tradition led her to study ancient cultures around the world and how they connected with unseen forces to support their daily lives. She has co-authored three award-winning books on Vastu with her husband, Michael: Altars of Power and Grace (Balanced Books Publishing, The Way of Vastu (Balanced Books Publishing), and Making Room for Mr. Right (Simon and Schuster/Atria). For decades, Robin has worked with students and clients to live healthier, more harmonious and productive lives. She is in service to others through her award-wining books, courses, and on-going offerings. She can be reached at