Shree: We would like to welcome Michael Mastro, America’s foremost expert on Vastu Shastra. Thank you for doing this interview. Our readers can’t wait to learn more about you and what you do. To start, tell us about your childhood.
Michael: I grew up in Seattle, Washington. I remember staring up at the stars almost every night and feeling very expanded and wondering why I couldn’t have that same feeling inside my house. As a young child I had a dream to design buildings that that could make us feel uplifted like I felt when I looked up at the stars.
My mom wanted me to learn about all the religions of the world. She told me that God was everywhere in all religions not just one. She also taught me that the guiding principle that unites us all is LOVE. My grandmother was a strong influence and to please her I became an altar boy in the Catholic church. I loved the high ceilings in the church, but it was not the same expanded feeling I got when I stared up at the stars.
Shree: How did you get into the spirituality field? Tell us more about your journey.
Michael: Like many kids in the 60s I experimented with recreational drugs and felt that mental expansion but did not like the after affects. One very fortunate day in 1968 during a Ketu period I was walking down Haight Ashbury in San Francisco and I saw a sign tacked onto a telephone pole that announced a lecture being given by a spiritual teacher, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that evening. I went to the lecture where he said that through meditation, we can experience expansion of consciousness. He quoted something that Christ had said, “The Kingdom of Heaven lies within”. Maharishi pointed out that many religions quote scriptures but do not follow Christs’ advice. Instead, they seek happiness outside themselves. He said that drugs are like a stick dynamite in the brain.
I met him after the lecture and told him I was an architecture student. To my surprise, he said someday I would come to Rishikesh India and design some buildings for him. I felt very uplifted in his presence and decided to learn meditation and never do drugs again. I was going through a Ketu Jupiter period indicating spiritual insights and teachers.
Maharishi said that the balance of rest and activity is very important to be successful in life. In the Bhagavat Gita, Krishna told Arjuna, “Yogastha kuru karmani”. which means, “First establish yourself in Yoga (being in the present moment), then act”. Don’t be attached to the results weather success or failure.
In Architecture school at the University of Washington I was spending many all-nighters feeling stressed and tired designing sustainable buildings for the Tulalip Indian Tribe whose community is in Marysville, Washington.
Once I started my meditation practice, I noticed that 20 minutes of Transcendental Meditation (TM) reduced the stress and tiredness that I was feeling and gave me the sustained energy to stay creatively focused so I could finish projects even without much sleep. I wanted others to experience the deep rest and relaxation from meditation that I had felt so I became a TM teacher and ended up teaching thousands of people to meditate.
A few years later, upon my request, I was assigned a special project from one of my professors in school where I go college credit to go to India to study ancient systems of design. It was there that I learned about the three Sister Sciences of healing: Vastu, Ayurveda and Vedic (Jyotish) Astrology and how they are interconnected. I learned how the floor plan of a person’s residence is similar to their natal birth chart, and reflects their Ayurvedic diagnosis as well. The planets in the birth chart, the residence and the body are what connect these three Sciences. The architectural science of Vastu is the science of building in harmony with Nature so that you receive its support in all your endeavors.
Through Maharishi and the science of Vastu I was able fulfill my childhood dream of designing buildings that would uplift people, expand their consciousness, and support improved health, finances, career, and relationships.
Sometime after I returned from India in 1979-80, I was again very fortunate as I was on the architectural team that designed and built the first Microsoft building for Bill Gates in Bellevue, Washington. I designed the building according to the principles of Vastu and it helped to support success for his company.
Over the years, I studied the Manasara, a major Vedic text of Vastu, and 17 other major Vastu Sanskrit texts, including Rajvallabh by Shilpa Charya Mandan. From the knowledge I gained from Maharishi and these revered texts, I had the honor to design many spiritual centers throughout the world using the principles of Vastu.
I have felt divinely guided on my spiritual journey and am very fortunate to have received a deeper understanding of the power of Vedic knowledge through many wise teachers. Among them was Yogananda and his book, Autobiography of a Yogi. I was fascinated by what he wrote about planetary stress and astrological remedies. He said that the ancient rishis were able to adjust “the fingers of wisdom”, and the adverse effects of past wrong doings could be minimized or nullified using remedial adjustments. Yogananda spoke of the use of gems and different metals that could absorb or protect one from negative planetary periods. He also said that, “Just as a house could be fitted with a copper rod to absorb lightening, so the bodily temple could be benefitted by various protective measures.” It was the first time I had ever heard about astrological remedies and it opened my mind to the possibility that we were not meant to suffer, or be at the effect of a challenging astrological period, and enlightened beings such as Yogananda were keepers of the sacred knowledge that lived within the tradition of the Vedas that could free us from our karmic adversity.
I also was fortunate to meet Dr Vasant Lad, one of the great Ayurvedic physicians alive today. I studied his teachings and had many opportunities to hear him speak. I also met with him in person and discussed how the environment and Vastu affect our physiology, and how the planets influence our physical bodies. He spoke about the importance of herbs, their connection to the planets, and the interconnectedness of Vastu, Ayurvedic remedies, and Vedic astrology and how they could be used to enhance health and prevent illness.
I deepened my understanding of astrology studying the Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology with Dr. V.K. Choudhry. He developed accurate, predictive astrological techniques and remedial measures. He taught me that everything is predestined according to your birth chart, however, we have free will to utilize Vedic (Jyotish) remedies to strengthen weak planets and transform challenging planets to change and even improve our destiny.
I started utilizing Vastu rectification techniques I had learned in India on friends and family and had great results. I found great success and realized there was immense benefits through applying this sacred knowledge in people’s homes and offices. I began presenting Vastu at various types of businesses, bookstores, Hindus temples, and community organizations. I began doing specific energetic corrections to rectify existing homes per Vastu for people who loved their living spaces, be it an apartment, homes and even offices, and helped them to improve health, finances, career, and relationships without expensive remodeling or the cost of building a Vastu home from scratch.
I traveled the world for many years helping to educate people on the benefits of the Vedic Sciences during my Jupiter period (which signifies teaching and traveling in my chart). During that dasha period I was a guest presenter on the topic of Vastu for success, productivity and wellbeing at Microsoft, Intel, NASA, World Bank, Amazon, Boeing, and the United Nations Enlightenment Society, as well as Hindu Temples in the South America, US, Europe, and India.
Wherever I went, many people had heard of Feng Shui but not Vastu. Vastu is 7000 to 10,000 years old. About 2500 years ago, the knowledge of Vastu was carried over the mountains from India into China, and was adapted to the local conditions and customs of the time and became known as Feng Shui. Over the years of my initial studies and application of this knowledge, I practiced both but found quicker, more lasting results using the science of Vastu.
Over the years, I have had the honor to present the knowledge of Vastu alongside many world-renowned scholars of the Vedic sciences. Among them, the famous astrologer, Chakrapani who was known as the “astrologer to the stars”. Many years ago, my wife and I had a private reading with him where he told me my good fortune would come through her, which turned out to be true. Through her research, educational pursuits, and intuitive insights, she continues to inspire me through her enlightening books, writings, and her work with Vastu and life-changing altars in the Vedic tradition.
I have also presented Vastu along with Vedic scholar David Frawley at many events, including the National Ayurvedic Medical Association annual conference (NAMA). Along with him, we taught a course that was organized by best-selling author and Ayurvedic scholar, Dr. Suhas, called The Vedic Counseling course. David inspired me about the importance of utilizing all three Sister Sciences –Vastu, Ayurveda and Jyotish– to help people with health challenges. It further reinforced what I had learned over the years about the power of this knowledge and how it synergistically could end people’s suffering and bring about holistic healing.
Many years ago, on one of my trips to India, I met a young man who was Maharishi’s secretary. His name was Ravi Shankar. Twenty years later, I became one of his early students and then, along with my wife, Robin, we became teachers for his international humanitarian organization, the Art of Living Foundation. Robin and I started the first Art of Living Center in our home in Seattle in 1993. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar taught us how to accept people and situations as they are, without expectations. He also taught us to take responsibility for our own happiness and to be happy in the present moment, not waiting for some future event to bring us happiness. His presence in our lives has been an incredible gift to our work and our spiritual path, and we are more than grateful to have served our community through him.
Shree: Tell us more about Vastu Shastra and how it is connected to the other Vedic sciences.
Michael: To really help someone on their path to success you must not only look at their Jyotish chart but also the sister sciences of Vastu and Ayurveda. These three sciences are very interconnected. Anyone’s Jyotish chart can be seen through the floor plan of their residence as well as their Ayurvedic dosha type and vice versa, this is because each area of a house is associated with a planet and an Ayurvedic dosha type.
According to Vastu, everything in the universe, including our body and our residence, is made of energy and that energy is made of the five elements earth, water, fire, air and space. Ayurveda aims at balancing the five elements in the body and Vastu aims at balancing the five elements in the body of your body, which is your residence. If the five elements are out of balance in the residence, they will be out of balance in the chart and the body.
If in a person’s chart or floorplan there are imbalances in the five elements, they may be susceptible to some sort of career, finance, relationship or health issues. What is also interesting is that people naturally gravitate towards a floorplan of a home, remodel or redecorate in a way that supports the planetary lessons that they need to learn from their Jyotish chart as they move through different planetary dasha periods.
Shree : This is so fascinating! Can we look at an example?
Michael : Of course! Here is an example of a someone’s chart, floorplan and Ayurvedic diagnosis.

In this residence, the SE corner is missing due to the SW garage extension.
If there is a missing corner in the SE this will reduce the fire element and affect health.
In Vastu, Venus is associated with the SE area of a residence, the fire element, and Pitta dosha in Ayurveda.
This person was diagnosed with an aggravated Pitta dosha which resulted in Rheumatoid Arthritis, an inflammatory disease caused by the immune system attacking the body’s own tissues. This is one of many autoimmune diseases that can be identified through Vastu and Ayurveda and, also shows up in their Jyotish chart. You will see that Venus rules their 6th house of health and is weak in degrees, said to be in infant state, which means it cannot protect its own significations (in this instance which is health).
Just like there are remedies in Jyotish and Ayurveda, there are also remedies in Vastu.
- One remedy that can strengthen a weak Venus in this chart is to help women.
- A remedy to balance an aggravated Pitta dosha and to reduce inflammation is to take turmeric on a daily basis.
- To remedy a SE missing corner or other residential imbalances affecting health, relationships, finances and career is to get a Vastu consultation.
If you are experiencing stress in any area of your life, check for environmental imbalances. Here are some areas of concern that will alert you to contact a Vastu practitioner:
- Your residence is not aligned to the Cardinal Directions
- The center of your residence has a toilet or furnace
- There are missing corners or extensions within rooms of your home, or to the exterior of your house
- Your stove, furnace, fireplace, hot water tank, and/or washer/dryer is not in the SE
- Toilets are not in the NW area of your residence
Any of these imbalances can be remedied using specific Vastu tools and techniques as recommended by your Vastu practitioner.
Shree: That’s amazing! Tell us more about your courses and books.
Michael: People kept asking me to teach the Principles of Vastu, Ayurveda and Jyotish so I along with my beautiful, brilliant wife,
- I co-founded for Vastu services and products,
- Co-founded the and developed curriculum courses to study and certification programs in Vastu, as well as in the field of Vedic medical astrology,
- Co-authored two multi award-winning books on Vastu:
- Altars of Power and Grace in which we talk about Vedic altars to increase prosperity, vibrant health, harmony in relationships, career and spiritual growth
- The Way of Vastu where we give you a broad introduction of Vastu and practical tips to increase prosperity, vibrant health, harmony in relationships and career growth
- We also co-authored the bestseller, Making Room for Mr. Right (Atria Books) in which we take you on a journey into Vastu and the lives of three women who used Vedic principles and tips to attract more love in their life
- We have co-authored many articles on Vastu which appear on websites throughout the world
- In 2005, I designed and built the first Vastu Platinum LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), 5-Star Energy Rated residence that is 100% off the grid and a sustainable, green-living home
- I have taught Vastu at Bastyr University
- Robin and I taught Vastu through the Perfect Health Program at the Chopra Center for many years, and so much more…
Along with Robin, I live in Southern California, just north of San Diego. We have three children and six grandchildren who live in the area.
Shree : What is one lesson you can impart to our readers or you think will inspire them
Michael : There are three things that affect our success and health:
- Reduce the stress in your mind and body thru Ayurvedic lifestyle of eating according to your dosha type and season, along with practicing yoga and meditation.
- Reduce the environmental stress in your home or office through Vastu.
- Reduce the planetary stress in your chart thru Vedic astrological remedies
I am very grateful to all my teachers, as well as the opportunities I’ve been given to share my knowledge of Vastu with some incredible Vedic scholars in their chosen field of expertise, such as Joni Patry through this magazine interview, Kapil Raj through his KRS YouTube channel, Simon Chokoisky on his YouTube platform, and a powerful interview with Dr. John Douillard on his Life Spa YouTube channel. It’s an honor for me to make the wisdom of Vastu available through their worldwide audiences.
Shree: How can our readers reach you?
Michael :
Vastu Consultation
Yearly Astrology Reading
The Art of Vastu course
Vedic Medical Astrology Course
I also have done Vedic Medical Astrology readings for over 300 celebrities which are available my YouTube channel @vastucreationsShree : Any new projects you would like to share ?
Michael : In August I will be launching a very comprehensive, NEW Course called “Optimal Health through Ayurveda, Vastu and Jyotish”. If you are interested and want to receive updates, and for more information, join our mailing list at
In January, Robin will be launching a NEW online course on the power of transformational Vedic altars to manifest your heart’s desires. And to start the year of right, on New Years’ Day, we’ll be offering a free, live event to help you create a year of magic and success. You won’t want to miss this powerful special event which will include sacred ceremony, transformational techniques and valuable tips that will set you on the path towards your success and fulfillment in 2023. To find out more about this event, don’t forget to join our mailing list at for updates and more information as it is available.
Get our free eBook – Transform Your Life through the Secrets of Vastu Shastra at:
Michael Mastro is North America’s leading expert of Vastu. He has been successfully helping people worldwide for the past 40 years to improve all areas of life without any remodeling through the science of building in harmony with Nature, Vastu Shastra.
His corporate clients include Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing, Intel, World Bank, NASA, Oracle, Pandora/SiriusXM and Nordstrom.
He has also co-authored three award-winning books on Vastu, The Way of Vastu, The Way of Vastu, and Making Room for Mr. Right. Michael teaches courses in Vastu at the Chopra Center and Bastyr University.
He presented Vastu on the Doctor Oz Show and was also named one of the Top 100 Trailblazers in Yoga and Ayurveda in the World by Spirituality and Health Magazine.
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Until next month, keep shining brightly! Robin
Robin Mastro is co-founder of Vastu Creations and the American Institute of Vastu – consultancy, design, and educational companies that focus on eliminating environmental stress for greater productivity, improved health and wellbeing. Robin has been a teacher of mediation and Vedic breathing for the Art of Living Foundation for over 25 years. Her research in accessing the power of altars in the Vedic tradition led her to study ancient cultures around the world and how they connected with unseen forces to support their daily lives. She has co-authored three award-winning books on Vastu with her husband, Michael: Altars of Power and Grace (Balanced Books Publishing, The Way of Vastu (Balanced Books Publishing), and Making Room for Mr. Right (Simon and Schuster/Atria). For decades, Robin has worked with students and clients to live healthier, more harmonious and productive lives. She is in service to others through her award-wining books, courses, and on-going offerings. She can be reached at