Before you begin to deepen your understanding of Vastu, clarification regarding course content may arise from time to time. Please send you questions to us on the “Contact Us” form provided. Questions and their answers will be posted to assist you in your learning experience. Questions regarding the signup process and the courses are answered below. During the course you will have access to a Course Forum which will connect you with a public place to ask your teacher’s questions. You will be able to see the responses and comments made by other students and then how we answer them. This forum is meant to be a place where your learning experience is enhanced by your peers and instructors.
Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for your interest in Vastu! To answer your questions, there isn’t a discount for the courses. We feel the amount we are charging for the knowledge and expertise you will be receiving is more than fair. To get a degree in college, you pay thousands of dollars and many times do not have the training in a field where you can go out an earn a living using the knowledge you acquire. Becoming an Affiliate graduate of the American Institute of Vastu, will give you the ability to take this knowledge and make a decent living.
And yes, the fees are in US dollars. There are several currency converter sites online to convert from Canadian to US dollar or from any other currency. You can pay for each course separately or in any combination using credit cards, etc., but each course needs to be paid in full before taking it.
It is exciting to think about being able to serve clients through Vastu.When you purchase a course, you will be able to log-in to our secure site. There, you will be able to download the PDF and watch the video. We are pre-taping the sessions for the courses, so you can access them at your convenience. When you are done with Lesson 1, there will be a quiz to take. Once you pass, you move onto Lesson 2 and so forth until you reach the end of that level. It’s easy!
If you are looking to become a practitioner or just have a desire to have more in-depth training, Level III will be offered in Seattle this Fall. You must have gone through Level I and Level II to take Level III. That’s how you pace yourself…there are a total of 18 lessons to take before Level III. There’s definitely enough time to do it, if you begin in March.
Each year, this certification on-site course will be offered twice – once in the Fall and once in the Spring.
For a new consultant, prep would be approximately 15-30 minutes max. Allow 1 1/2 – 2 hours onsite for a 2000 sq. ft. home with property. To complete the written assessment it would take around 1 hour, for a total of 3 – 3 1/2 hours. Products purchased from us, which are included in the price of the consultation, are approximately $40-50 wholesale (this is 30% off of our retail pricing online). As a new consultant, you could charge $350, which figures to around $100/hour, after expenses, to begin.
Yes it is the same as Mayonic however teaching styles may vary. We focus more on practical applications of Vastu for modern times instead of theoretical aspects. Vastu is sometimes called a Mayonic science because the originator of the Vastu tradition, was the great Brahmarishi Mayan. Our training comes from from ancient Sanskrit texts known as Manasara and seventeen other texts.
After practitioners graduate from Level III, they are welcomed to review this course at a reduced rate. We are creating a online/on-demand course for Level III graduates called Advanced Vastu Corrections Using Jyotish Astrology. This course will be available Fall 2010. Cost to be determined.
The Non-Competition Agreement covers more than opening another Vastu school. It is about duplicating the information you are given and sharing it with others, as well as instructing others in the application in other ways than starting a school. It is also about merging this information into other practices and creating a new practice out of it. Finally, it is about being certified to practice Vastu as a business.
We are offering our knowledge and expertise through this learning experience and wanted our expectations to be clearly defined before you begin.
Good question ~ We want you to be able to present Vastu to groups and individuals…that’s important to grow your business. But, like a surgeon, your job is to educate people and get people healthy, not train surgeons. That’s our work and with over 50+ combined years of practice as scholars, teachers and practitioners, we are good at our job and want you to succeed at yours.
You’ll receive plenty of support, information and practice to be confident and make this into a good business for yourself. If you’re motivated and inspired (like I know you’ll be ;), then you’ll do well. This work is such a blessing…a service with heart and the ability to transform the lives of others. What’s not to love?