If you have had an online or onsite Vastu Consultation with Michael before, this Spring would be the ideal time to enliven the forces of nature in your home or workspace with a Vastu Tune-up via Zoom.
This service includes consultation time with Michael so you can update him on any changes in all areas of your life that impact you and your family including:
* Earth changes: due to incremental weather such as heavy rains, snow, wind, fire, earthquakes, etc.
* Family changes –such as illnesses, emotional issues, physical challenges, or mental stress
* Financial concerns due to loss of work, savings, or investments
* Career challenges
* Relationship issues
* Minor home remodel
This session with Michael will also include the following:
– Enlivening directional yantras through mantra
– Vastu puja and blessing ceremony for you and your family
– Additional recommendations and remedies unique to the concerns of you and your family
– Re-igniting of primary altar and much more!
* This service is only available to those who have had a Vastu consultation with Michael in the past and are in the same residence.
Contact Michael today if you have questions at michaelmastrovastu@gmail.com