Thank You for Signing Up For Robin & Michael's FREE Masterclass and getting the Special Bundle!

Make sure you received the email we just sent you with important information about the free Masterclass and your purchase confirmation. If you didn't receive it, please check your Spam or Promotions folder.

Step 1

Thank You for Signing Up For the FREE Masterclass with Robin & Michael Mastro!

Add to your contact list so that you won’t miss our notifications once we’re live.

Check your inbox now and open the confirmation email “THANK YOU for registering for Robin and Michael Mastro's Masterclass!”, and then:

→ On Gmail, move this email to the “Primary” tab

→ Add to your contacts

Remember that the email might have landed in your Spam or Publicity Folders. Check them just in case.

Step 2

Save The Challenge Dates On Your Calendar

We’ll be LIVE for 90 minutes!

Make sure you show up for the Masterclass on Wednesday, October 2nd, at 5.00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST on the dot so you don’t miss out.

Highly recommended: Make sure you click below to schedule the date in your calendar. Set yourself a reminder at least 10 minutes beforehand so you can show up on time!

Step 3

Find Your Buddy: Invite A Friend To The Webinar for FREE

Attending the Webinar with a buddy has been proven to increase commitment so you get better results!

Click the share button below to send a free invitation to your friends and/or family to join you! Having a partner (or three) will also give you the chance to digest the information in a better way.

Step 4

Get your FREE Bonuses!

As we promised, for signing up to Michael and Robin's Masterclass, you'll be getting three exclusive bonuses! You can access them by clicking below:

The Home Harmonizing Mantra Audio

The Health and Healing Mantra Audio

The Ganesh Mantra Audio

This powerful audio to remove all obstacles to your success in any aspect of your life, will be given away for free during the LIVE Webinar by Robin and Michael.