Transformative Vedic Astrology & Certification Course
Transformative Vedic Astrology Level II
Level II Transformative Vedic Astrology dives deeper into the astrological analysis of birth time rectification, astro-cartography (relocation), compatibility, international events, investing, health and career, and much more. Level II Transformative Vedic Astrology presents profound, practical knowledge that will assist people in all areas of life. The Level ll Transformative Vedic Astrology course builds on what you have learned in Level I and takes it further to address the specific questions and concerns you and your clients may have about specific issues in life that we all deal with at one time or another. These topics (see below) are essential to every astrologer’s tool kit and will give you astrological methodology and tools to ensure you and your client’s success.
To become certified as a TVA astrologer at the end of the course you will need to submit three written readings for friends and family, which will then be reviewed by Michael Mastro.