Create a Lasting Connection with Your Destiny Through Ancient, Sacred Knowledge

The Relationship Altar e-Book

Discover the power of ancient, sacred knowledge and set your intentions to deepen love of self, as well as experience happier, healthier, more loving relationships with others!

Through celebration and ritual, connect with your inner wisdom and the energy of intention to activate these life-changing teachings...

  • Discover the magic of the Relationship Altar
  • Learn the secrets of placement and the directions for maximum impact
  • Experience the power of the elements for assembling your altar to bring maximum beauty and love into your life 
  • Download the Moon Yantra to activate your altar PLUS experience the power of the mantra (written and audio format) to chant for activation and so much more
  • Tap into the realm of possibility through the Relationship Altar Activation Ceremony
  • Connect with unseen forces that support success in love and more meaningful relationships in your life today

Deepen your journey from head to heart
and experience the power of the Relationship Altar

Bring more wonder and beauty into your life today!

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