A Bundle of Breathwork and Meditations


A Bundle of Breathwork and Meditations

Breathing Technique: Be Calm and Carry On:
Two of the most highly-effective ancient breathing techniques to calm the mind, reduce stress, and bring you into the Present Moment are here within this short, but transformative learning experience. The first technique releases fear, anxiety and stress, or whenever you feel off-centered. The second exercise will help you to remain anxiety-free during times you need to be your best version, like in interviews, or even in front of an audience. Let stage fright and fear be a thing of the past!

Sound Healing Chakra Meditation:
Activate the chakra centers in your body to promote the healthy flow of energy. This meditation restores balance to the chakras so you experience immediate improvements in digestion, immune function, and overall well-being.
The Sound Healing Chakra Meditation assists in releasing emotional blockages, heal past wounds, and cultivate emotional stability. These specific sounds stimulate your intuition and inner wisdom, guiding you on your life’s path.

Pancha Kosha Meditation:
This meditation guides you through the five koshas, or layers, of existence so that you realize your true nature.
The Pancha Kosha Meditation relax your mind and improves your overall efficiency, boosting concentration and increasing the clarity of you mind which results in clearer communication. It rejuvenates and calms your mind, body and soul, paveing the way for better creativity and improved awareness.